Sol Centre, Mare Fair,
Northampton NN1 1SR

General Enquires | 01604 621004
Monday 9:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 - 20:00
Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 and 16:00 - 20:00
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 13:00

Tranquil Retreat Massage Therapy.
My name is Rebecca Jane. I am a fully insured/trained massage therapist who also specialises in Hydrotherm massage. The basis of massage is touch combined with friendliness, warmth, empathy and security, massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition or enhance your wellness. It is a great way of attaining and maintaining good health, healing aching muscles, insomnia, headaches, tension and stress/anxiety.
Massage should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.
Swedish Massage
The Swedish massage is a classic treatment which represents the western standard for massage. The various Swedish massage techniques are designed to improve your circulation, soothe your muscles and make you feel more relaxed. Besides the calming benefits, Swedish massage is thought to be good for:
reducing emotional and physical stress.
easing muscular strain by flushing out toxins
improving circulation by increasing oxygen flow in the blood
helping to keep ligaments and tendons supple
Hydrotherm Massage
A truly innovative concept that allows you to receive specialist therapy treatment whilst you lie on two soothing warm water filled cushions that support and comfort the entire body that requires the use of flowing, specialist moves adapted specifically for the Hydrotherm. Your body weight provides the pressure required to achieve a relaxing and also alternatively, deeper massage as you’re the hands glide between yourself and the cushions. Whilst you feel weightless. The whole experience is luxurious. You can receive all treatments on the hydrotherm system at no extra cost.
It is excellent for relieving stress/anxiety and tension in the mind and body and uplifting your emotions.
No turning-over required and perfect for those with mobility difficulties
A wonderful massage for those with back and shoulder pain
Has all the benefits of Swedish/conventional massage, and a lot more
Provides a sense of wellbeing, and sheer indulgence that everyone can enjoy
Hydrotherm therapists undergo specialised training in the art and science of massage, including Pregnancy and Cancer Care massage
It helps to increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the treated areas.
The Tranquil Sea Massage (Coming soon)
Following advanced training I will be offering this treatment from my cosy room at Soo Yoga, this is a lovely treatment for clients with or recovering from cancer, that are able to enjoy some well-deserved pampering.
The nurturing Tranquil Sea Massage involves adaptations of techniques and focuses on wellbeing. After a thorough consultation your treatment will be adapted and customised to suit how you are feeling on the day.
Research has shown that cancer patients can experience real benefits from massage when used alongside or after treatments. Especially with the hydrotherm massage system, the warm relaxing water making it delightful.
Massage has been known to reduce pain, reduce anxiety and nausea, aid sleep, and helps create a feeling of seems very unfair to refuse this wonderful treatment to those who genuinely require it the most! This will be carried out on the hydrotherm system.
Before/Aftercare advice
Drink plenty of water before and after a treatment. This ensure that your body is hydrated, and your body can work well and can be more effective. Post treatment, this will help the lymph and circulatory system to remove waste products from your body and keep you hydrated.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours.
Avoid sunbeds and artificial UV lights.
Do not have a hot bath following a massage.
Avoid exercise for 12 hours.
Pregnancy Massage (Coming soon)
The loveliest and best way to safely relax during pregnancy (from 12 weeks and onwards).
Help yourself to relax and unwind whilst relieving the aches and pains of carrying your precious little one. Hydrothem is a specialised technique which requires specialised training and qualifications. This unique technique and system allows you to lie back while comfortably facing up throughout the treatment, enjoying a full body massage.
There is no rolling over half way. The warm water based cushioned pads which you will be laid upon, allows the therapist to comfortably access all parts being treated.
Pamper and Treat yourself or that special someone to a hydrothem pregnancy massage
Indian Head Massage
Indian head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practiced in India for thousands of years. Indian head massage focuses on your head, neck and shoulders and was originally used to improve scalp and hair condition. It is a deep massage, using a variety of pressure and techniques, including circular massage strokes on your scalp, deep tissue works on your shoulders, and stretching the neck. When relaxed, negative feelings such as anxiety, fear, and anger are released. Your mind will feel more harmonious and in tune with everything around, clearer, and more focused.
On Occasions people may experience the following effects after a massage. This can be your body readjusting.
Some redness/soreness on some muscles, especially where deep work was carried out. This should ease after a day.
Headaches. It is important to make sure you keep hydrated during this time.
Flu/cold like symptoms. These again will pass and are your body's reaction to the flushing out of toxins/metabolic waste.
A sense of elation/hyperactivity - this is your body’s reaction to nerve senses being activated by the massage.
Increased urination. Again, this will be due to toxins/metabolic waste being flushed out.
All massage can leave you feeling thirsty and needing to go to the toilet more than usual - this is because the massage has got your lymph circulation going and your body is flushing out toxins. Drink plenty of water afterwards as you slowly drift back to planet Earth.
Before your first treatment I will email a consultation form for you to send back in order to discuss on your first visit, asking you various questions about your health and lifestyle, to ensure I provide the correct treatment for you.
Look out for my promotional offers and I also provide gift vouchers. So go on, treat your loved ones!
Important Information:
* You must arrive on time for your appointment.
* Please arrive wearing a mask. I will have my full PPE on when I meet you in the waiting area.
* I will take your temperature on arrival and provide hand sanitiser.
* Please do not attend if you have any of the Covid-19 symptoms, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has or is self isolating. I will call you the day before to go through a few questions.
* Please give me as much notice as possible for any cancellations.
* Although alcohol gel will be provided on arrival, please do try to avoid touching any doors, surfaces or equipment during your appointment.
* Please bring as few items onto the premises as possible. I have provided a box on arrival for smaller items such as keys, phones and small bags, however I do not have anywhere for coats so please leave these in your car if possible.
* Being accompanied to your appointment is not permitted due to the available space in the treatment room and minimising people in the waiting area.
* Payment can either be cash ( notes only) or bank transfer on the day of your treatment.
For more information please contact me on
Rebecca: 07864856209
Email here